Patent Vicennial Renewal

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SANi, South African and Nigerian patents may be renewed for their entire 20-year term by making a single renewal payment. Doing this reduces the lifetime renewal costs by about 70%:

South African Patent Vicennial Renewal $385* where the patent was filed by GlobalIPCo / S&Z, else $485*
Nigerian Patent Vicennial Renewal $630* where the patent was filed by GlobalIPCo / S&Z, else $785*
SANi Patent Vicennial Renewal $1,015*

* Law firms qualify for preferential pricing.

Irrespective of the number of years a SANi, South African or Nigerian patent has until expiry, all remaining renewals may be pre-paid by making a Vicennial Renewal payment.

To pay a Vicennial Renewal for a South African patent:

Vicennial Renewal Vicennial Renewal

The Vicennial Renewal price is fixed, irrespective of the number of renewals paid.

The renewal receipt is sent to you by email within a couple of business days, whereafter you won't have to worry about future renewal reminders / payments.

Apart from reducing renewal costs and the risk of the patent lapsing, paying Vicennial Renewals also shields you against future increases in official renewal fees.