South African Trademark

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How to file a South African trademark:

  1. Register or login
  2. Complete the online application form
  3. Download, sign, scan and upload forms
  4. Pay US$199 filing fee

No documents need to be commissioned, notarized or legalised.

No original documents need to be couriered to us.


Filing receipt and number:

We will email you a filing receipt and application number within a couple of days of filing.


The South African trademark examiner may issue an examination report within 9-12 months of filing. If issued, the examination report should be responded to within 3 months. When reporting on issuance of an examination report, we will include S&Z Trademark Attorneys' opinion regarding how to respond thereto. You may instruct S&Z Trademark Attorneys to respond to the examination report (cost: from US$70).

South African trademarks are typically accepted within 15-20 months of filing. Acceptance must be published within 6 months.

In the absence of opposition, the trademark registration certificate should be issued within 6-8 months of publication of acceptance.



South African trademarks must be renewed every 10 years from the South African filing date. Each renewal costs US$65, and is processed by the PayAnnuity patent renewal system.

Our South African agent:

Our South African agent is S&Z Patent and Trademark Attorneys:

S&Z was formed in 2007 and specializes in: patent, trademark and design registrations; intellectual property commercialisation; taxation of intellectual property transactions; and intellectual property valuation. The firm's clients include Anglo American Corporation (Mining), Sasol (Oil), University of the Witwatersrand, South African Revenue Service. S&Z has filed more than 7,000 patents, 1,000 design registrations and 1,200 trademarks.

How to file a trademark